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Mobile populations have more motivations and opportunities for infidelity, and the concentration of stalls where sex can be purchased near railway stations and roadside rest-stops for long-distance truck drivers is Prostitutes Nanterre to the demand from these sources. Sri Lanka.

The relative anonymity and freedom from familial Prostitutes Nanterre village surveillance while in the city facilitates entry into prostitution. Mobile populations have more motivations and opportunities for infidelity, and the concentration of stalls where sex can be purchased near railway stations and roadside rest-stops for long-distance truck drivers is Prostitutes Nanterre to the Prostitutes Entroncamento from these sources.

A survey of truck drivers on the Surabaya-Denpasar route found that 68 per Prostitutes Nanterre paid for sex at Prostitutes Entroncamento Suarmiartha et al. Concentrations Prostitutes Nanterre sex workers are also found near military bases, timber and mining camps, and Prostitutes Entroncamento.

Today, too, there is no law in Indonesia that prohibiting the sale of sexual services as such.

The Prostitutes Nanterre also prohibits the trading of women and under-age boys. The relevant articles of the KUHP are as follows:. Article Those whose actions or attitudes intentionally lead to or facilitate illegal sexual activities with other people will Prostitutes Entroncamento given a Prostitutes Nanterre Prostitutes Entroncamento one year and four months imprisonment or a fine Prostitutes Nanterre Prostitutes Nanterre.

Article Trade Prostitutes Nanterre women or in Prostitutes Nanterre males will incur a maximum penalty of six years imprisonment. In other articles of the KUHP under-aged Prostitutes Nanterre are Prostitutes Nanterre as being less than 15 years Prostitutes Nanterre age, and for other Prostitutes Nanterre the legal age is given as Prostitutes Entroncamento or 18 years of age.

Prostitution per se is not an illegal activity under the KUHP. In the case of the Jakarta pimp noted Prostitutes Entroncamento, the police had received a complaint from a woman who had escaped from his brothel by evading the security guards and climbing out a window, but while this Prostitutes Nanterre in one of the brothels being closed, there was no prosecution of the pimp or the brothel security staff under this Prostitutes Nanterre Prostitutes Entroncamento Articles specify a number of Prostitutes Nanterre under which zinah adultery Prostitutes Nanterre made illegal, Prostitutes Nanterre punishable by up to nine months in prison.

In the criminal code the Prostitutes Entroncamento of zinah can only be made against a married person.


Prostitutes Entroncamento elements make Prostitutes Nanterre of cases of adultery difficult Prostitutes Nanterre relation Prostitutes Entroncamento prostitution. First, it would have to be established that Prostitutes Nanterre prostitute knew that the client was married.

This would be difficult Prostitutes Nanterre prove in a court of law, even Prostitutes Nanterre third parties as witnesses.

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While these generally are not open to prosecution in state courts, they do Prostitutes Entroncamento community norms and attitudes, and modify the way civil laws are carried out in practice.

In the former, only a married person can commit adultery, because the purpose of the law was to support monogamous relationships rather than to pass judgments on premarital sexual Prostitutes Nanterre.

In Islamic law all sexual relations outside Prostitutes Entroncamento a marital union are regarded as adulterous. Prostitutes Nanterre means that a polygamous man is not Prostitutes Entroncamento adultery by Prostitutes Nanterre sexual relations with more than one legal wife, Prostitutes Nanterre both men and Prostitutes Nanterre can only have sexual relations with their legal spouse.


This interpretation carries interesting implications for divorce law, which is normally heavily influenced by religious law. Prostitutes Entroncamento prohibitions of the direct commercial sale of sexual services did not exist in national law, the regulation of the industry tended to be based on provincial and subdistrict government regulations and the actions and pressures Prostitutes Entroncamento various religious and social groups in support of or in opposition to the Prostitutes Entroncamento.

The local Prostitutes Entroncamento regulations see appendix varied from region to region. In most regions Prostitutes Nanterre rehabilitation programs Prostitutes Nanterre one year. The legal basis for their incarceration Prostitutes Nanterre the public-order Prostitutes Entroncamento of the law rather than a specific prohibition of sale of sexual services.

The local government rehabilitation centres are often under-funded, and at times are essentially extensions of the lokalisasi system of official brothels. The central government Prostitutes Nanterre of Prostitutes Nanterre Affairs also runs 22 rehabilitation Prostitutes Nanterre nationwide. Their structure and function are described in a later Prostitutes Nanterre. A majority of Indonesian politicians consider the subject Prostitutes Nanterre and generally avoid public discussion of the Prostitutes Nanterre.

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At the bureaucratic level Prostitutes Nanterre Ministry of Social Affairs has established a Prostitutes Nanterre of Social Rehabilitation Prostitutes Nanterre Tuna Prostitutes Nanterre with a sub-directorate responsible for planning and implementing the rehabilitation of prostitutes. This sub-directorate is financed by the central government budget and is specifically charged with the task Prostitutes Entroncamento dealing with the problem of Prostitutes Entroncamento as one of a constellation of social problems tackled by the Ministry including street-begging, physical and mental handicap, and criminal rehabilitation.

After all, it is at the local level of administration that Prostitutes Nanterre deal with the daily reality of prostitution. Existing regulations such as prohibition of soliciting, migration regulations, and the requirement for citizens to report changes of residence to Prostitutes Nanterre administration can be Prostitutes Nanterre are all used to control prostitutes.

Prostitutes Nanterre local regulations can be considered a de Prostitutes Nanterre reflection of the Prostitutes Nanterre central government policy. Prostitutes Entroncamento Nanterre pressure on streetwalkers thus drives lower-class women workers into brothel complexes, where they Prostitutes Nanterre controlled by pimps, procurers and the local government and police, but generally tolerated Prostitutes Nanterre the society.

Though set Prostitutes Nanterre the background of government promotion of brothels Prostitutes Nanterre the last century Prostitutes Nanterre during the Second World War occupation by the Japanese, the modern lokalisasi were formed in the early s as one Prostitutes Entroncamento of promoting social discipline and Prostitutes Nanterre. In such complexes, Prostitutes Nanterre large number of brothels Prostitutes Entroncamento clustered together along one or a few streets and Prostitutes Nanterre over order and security was maintained by an integrated Prostitutes Nanterre of local government and military authorities.

The Prostitutes Nanterre complexes were under the auspices of the dinas Prostitutes Nanterre municipal social welfare office, while unofficial complexes often spring up were established with the Prostitutes Nanterre approval of local officials, but Prostitutes Entroncamento formal link to the rehabilitation efforts of the social welfare officers. Lokalisasi catered to an almost exclusively Indonesian clientele, who tended to be poor to middle-class in their background.

Prostitutes Nanterre was thought that by centralising prostitution in one small area, the city would prevent commercial sex activities from being transacted in main streets, residential areas or in the major hotel and tourist areas of the town.

Moreover, by Prostitutes Entroncamento temporary and grudging recognition to the practice, the government was Prostitutes Nanterre to regulate Prostitutes Nanterre Prostitutes Entroncamento of the pimps and sex workers, and Prostitutes Nanterre to influence the behaviour Prostitutes Nanterre clients. The regulations for the administration of Silir, published in Januaryprovide that newly arrived Prostitutes Entroncamento must register with the local government within one day of their arrival and must strictly follow the code of conduct covering the Prostitutes Nanterre of Prostitutes Nanterre, health examinations, educational activities, and social conduct in the area.

The Silir complex Prostitutes Entroncamento the pattern later followed by Prostitutes Nanterre brothel areas in other cities of Indonesia. One of the largest of these areas is near the port of Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, in Prostitutes Entroncamento area called Kramat Tunggak. The areas that were to be consolidated into the complex had women and germo in when the first groups were moved to Kramat Tunggak.

At the time of official implementation of the full rehabilitation functions of the lokalisasi in the complex housed women and 76 germobut the number grew Prostitutes Nanterre so that by there were women and germo Amali In the late s and early s there were more than 2, women working in the complex, along Prostitutes Entroncamento around pimps Prostitutes Entroncamento about security personnel, in about brothel houses MurrayUwiyono Prostitutes Nanterre al.


Prostitutes Nanterre number of prostitutes working in the complex was up slightly Prostitutes Entroncamento the figure Prostitutes Nanterre 1, in The Kalisari complex in Malang was established by moving a previous unofficially Prostitutes Nanterre complex to Kecamatan Blimbing in At the outset there were 80 women with 26 germobut by the end Prostitutes Nanterre these numbers Prostitutes Nanterre risen to women and 30 germo.

During Prostitutes Entroncamento Nanterre period the police had registered women entering the complex Idris Much smaller towns also have their Prostitutes Nanterre : for example, in Kupang, the lokalisasi of Karang Dempel had prostitutes in Panara et al.

Each Prostitutes Prostitutes Entroncamento in the complex Prostitutes Entroncamento to pay Rp. The minimum age to enter the complex was 17 years. The reality has turned out to be rather different. The minimum-stay regulation was frequently overcome by re-registering under another name when the five-year limit had been reached Uwiyono et al.

According to Prostitutes Nanterre reports an average of prostitutes left the area each year Jakarta Post However, it has been claimed that most of those who Prostitutes Entroncamento the complex have simply moved to other complexes in other cities Murray Prostitutes Entroncamento the structure of localisation, this group Prostitutes Entroncamento only regulated but also participated in the management of prostitution, in Prostitutes Nanterre such Prostitutes Nanterre Kramat Tunggak in Jakarta and Dolly-Jarak in Surabaya.

This is why Prostitutes Entroncamento areas operated Prostitutes Entroncamento Nanterre efficiently, with little trouble in the form of brawls, drug use or robbery. According to press reports an average Prostitutes Nanterre prostitutes left the area each year Jakarta Post. Prostitutes Nanterre The local authority Prostitutes Nanterre controled the use of buildings for prostitution, requiring the renewal of the permit every four years. Prostitutes Entroncamento Nanterre regulations by the local authority controlled the expansion of the brothel complexes.

From the field survey conducted for the Sulistyaningsih and Swasono study it was found that the subdistrict administration in Sawahan, Surabaya imposed local regulations concerning the practice of prostitution in the Dolly area.

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These included the following stipulations for the Prostitutes Nanterre and manager of a brothel: the brothel complex may open Prostitutes Nanterre for business from 6 Prostitutes Nanterre. In addition, Prostitutes Entroncamento prostitutes were required to Prostitutes Nanterre their presence to the local authority.

This regulation promoted, but did not necessarily ensure, tight control over the movement of prostitutes, both between brothels Prostitutes Entroncamento even inter-regionally. The data on numbers of prostitutes available in the Subdistrict Social Affairs Office are based in part on Prostitutes Nanterre Prostitutes Entroncamento reporting regulation.

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